Respect for Human Rights

KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group Human Rights Policy

KThe KOKUSAI ELECTRIC CORPORATION and the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group will support a future in which creativity and innovation are generated through “Technology” and “Tai-wa,” while helping realize a society where human rights are respected. As a prerequisite to this, the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group seeks to meet its responsibility to respect human rights.

Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

The KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group strives to meet its responsibility to respect human rights by not infringing on human rights and addressing negative human rights impacts with which the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group may be involved through its operations and business relationships.

In particular, we consider the following items of human rights material.

  • Prohibition of child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking

We shall never tolerate any form of child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking.

  • Prohibition of discrimination, equal opportunity, etc.

We shall never discriminate based on race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, nationality nor on any other grounds. Furthermore, we shall never engage in any harassment nor any other conduct that offends individual dignity.

  • Equal payment for equal work

We shall respect and observe applicable local laws and regulations regarding equal pay for equal work.

  • Freedom of association

We respect the right of our employees to freely form and join organizations. We shall also respect the right of our employees to engage in voluntary discussions and negotiations about their relationships with their employers, and the right of our employees to refrain from those activities.

The responsibility to respect human rights applies to all officers and employees of the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group. We shall also require all our business partners including suppliers to observe this policy. Furthermore, even if the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group is not directly contributing negative human rights impacts, the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group expects its business partners and other involved parties whose impacts may be directly linked to the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group’s operations, products, or services, to respect and not infringe upon human rights, and will respond appropriately where they are not respecting human rights.

Relationship to the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group’s Values and Policies

The KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group is aware that it is a member of society and believes it can contribute to creating an environment in which human rights are respected. We recognize that meeting the responsibility to respect human rights is key to operating as a responsible business, and should be expected of all companies. This human rights policy is an expression of our commitment to fulfilling these responsibleness based on our Corporate Statement, KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Way, and Guidelines and Commitments.

Exercising the Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

The KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group pledges to meet the responsibility to respect human rights through implementing the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Moreover, we shall support and respect human rights codes of conduct as defined by the International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, The Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), and Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact.

To this end, we have established a human rights due diligence system based on the United Nations Guiding Principles and Human Rights, and have continued to implement and improve this system by identifying and assessing potential and actual impacts on human rights, and take appropriate measures to prevent or mitigate risks. If it is discovered that the KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group has caused or contributed to a negative human rights impact, we will carry out appropriate internal and external processes to provide remediation.

We comply with national laws and regulations in each market where we operate. When there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and national laws, we will pursue ways to honor the principles of international human rights.

The KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group will provide appropriate training and capacity building in order to ensure this policy is instilled throughout The KOKUSAI ELECTRIC Group. We are committed to engaging in "Tai-wa" and discussion with relevant external stakeholders about addressing potential and actual human right impacts, and will disclose efforts to respect human rights through our website and other means of communication.

29 August 2023. 
President and Chief Executive Officer

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